Ethnomathematics Exploration in the Rekhi of Mandap and Havankunda: An Ethnography from Hindu Rites and Rituals in Nepal

Kharika Devi Parajuli, Bidhya Nath Koirala


The purpose of this research is to explore the geometrical concepts embedded in Hindu rites and ritual, especially that of the rekhi of “Mandap” and “Havankunda”. This research was a qualitative with an ethnographic study. Data were obtained through observation, field note, taken the photo of the context, and documentation. Based on the study result, it was found that there were geometry-based mathematical concepts in making and applied in ‘Mandap’ and “Havankunda”. There we can see lines and angles, parallel and intersecting lines, vertically opposite angles, linear pair and alternate angles, triangles, quadrilateral, rectangle, hemisphere, circle, its center, and geometry transformation reflection, rotation, and translation. This finding can be helpful to bring mathematics closer to the reality of Hindu rituals. Besides, the conclusion of my study implies that teachers and students can explore their cultural practices and use them as the basis for teaching and learning mathematics in school.


Ethnography; Ethnomathematics; Geometry; Mandap and Havankunda; Nepalese Hindu Rites and Ritual Culture

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